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Seniors Home Adaptation and Repair Program (SHARP)

Seniors Home Adaptation and Repair Program (SHARP)

Introduction The Seniors Home Adaptation and Repair Program (SHARP) provides low-interest home equity loans aimed at making essential home adaptations for seniors more affordable. Home modifications play a vital role in maintaining the safety, independence, and...
7 Home Modifications for Seniors in Calgary

7 Home Modifications for Seniors in Calgary

Today, more and more seniors are choosing to age in place, proactively making changes to their homes to reflect their shifting priorities and accommodate their evolving mobility and abilities. While many of us undoubtedly wish we could remain young forever, aging in...
Grants for Accessibility Renovations in Alberta

Grants for Accessibility Renovations in Alberta

Accessibility renovations play a crucial role in ensuring comfort, independence, and safety for individuals who choose to age in place or require modifications for better accessibility. However, the costs associated with these renovations can seem overwhelming for...