403 720 8789
My Lifetime Home | I am an Insurer or Lawyer

#4 – 10672 46th ST SE

Calgary, Alberta

Free Consultation

I Am an Insurer or Lawyer

We Help You Ensure Your Client Lives in Dignity and as Autonomously as Possible in their Own Home.

We are a passionate team of designers, occupational therapists, and home construction specialists; each of us are dedicated to delivering outstanding home modification solutions for your clients who have been injured or debilitated.


By liaising with you and your client, their family, as well as their team of health care professionals, we ensure your client’s either move into, or are discharged into beautiful and fully accessible surroundings within their personal residence.

Our strength is our relationships with the healthcare community, occupational therapists, professional caregivers, personal injury lawyers, insurance professionals, and specialized equipment suppliers. We work in the spirit of collaboration with our clients, their families, and each professional organization mentioned to bring about the very best possible living accommodations specific to their needs.

Our team is fully vetted, bonded, licensed, insured, along with our founder’s 35 year history; dedicated to delivering award-winning renovations or custom built homes for clients of all abilities.

Our 5-Step Process

MyLifetimeHome™ has a Five-Step process from inception to move-in ready home modifications.

Our ideal model is to be in contact and consultation with O/T’s and/or family Doctors well in advance of discharge from hospital or rehab to avoid a crisis management situation for your client/patient. We also recognize that not all client-patients come from a discharge position; for some it may be a prognosis or due to regular family doctor care that the inevitable becomes apparent. For the best possible life in their personal residence; home modifications are needed either immediately or in the future.

All Five Steps listed may or may not be required by your client-patient; however these Five Steps may bring some solutions that may not have been otherwise considered. Our mandate is to be both a resource provider, as well as to provide complete inception to move-in ready home modifications.

Lawyer or Insurer Solutions are similar to our 5-Step Process but deal with Pre, Post and No-settlement circumstances:

a : Pre-Settlement:
  1. We begin with a consultation with your team and/or your client via phone, in person or Skype/GoToMeeting format depending on your preference. If you prefer to simply refer us as one of several resources for your client, our consultation with your client would be in the same format.
    • Cost: No Charge
  2. If your client feels we may be a good fit; we begin with a Macro assessment of their home via your client’s OT, or ours, as well as our architectural design team to assess their home for immediate retrofits as well as a long term plan depending on their injury or degree of progressionary debilitation. We provide renovation design solutions and high-level budget estimates at this initial on-site consultation.
    • Cost for Initial assessment: $495.00
  • If the retrofits are basic in nature and do not require a design; IE; Barrier Free solutions; we would provide a scope and associated cost proposal, start date and target completion dates. In this pre-settlement timeframe; our suggestion is to look at modest retrofits and possibly rentals of some of the equipment depending on severity of disability. (I.E. If rehab has a high degree of success with your client’s condition; perhaps ramps, stair lifts and exterior lifts could be temporary.)
    • Cost: No Charge
  1. If it is deemed that a complete re-design of the current home is needed, or a possible relocation to a more suitable home is a better solution; we provide the full set of services to either renovate the current home or source a more suitable home. In both cases varying degrees of renovations are typically required either now or can be targeted for future; post-settlement. Given once again that this is in pre—settlement timeframe; funding the home modifications needs to be resolved.
    • Cost: Design & Consultation retainer; 10 hour minimum at: $135/hr.

See our Funding & Financing Resources if more permanent solutions are desired by your client and likelihood of a settlement or insurance is imminent: www.MyLifetimeHome/financing.ca

  1. Whatever the outcome; our goal is to get your client immediate, and proactive help prior to hospital discharge, or to enhance their comfort as best as possible in their home. In this way, they move into their home with even some basic updates so it meets their primary mobility needs. This proactive thought process is to avoid the all too common crisis management upon discharge or upon completion of Rehab.
b : Post-Settlement
  1. Depending how extensive your client’s injury is and how much of their project they were able to self-fund pre-settlement, will determine the level of consultation required at this post-settlement stage.
  2. This again, begins with a consultation with your team and/or your client in the same format described pre-settlement. That could be via phone, in person or Skype/GoToMeeting format depending on your preference.
    • Cost: No Charge
  • If your client feels we may be a good fit; we begin by determining if the previous retrofits can simply be augmented with more advanced and better suited product or technology, or if a complete fresh start may be the best solution. This could also include a custom home solution or relocating to a home better suited to renovate that will provide a more practical and long-term solution. We provide renovation design solutions and high-level budget estimates at this initial on-site consultation.
  • Cost for Initial assessment: $495.00
    1. Depending where our relationship began; once again, if the retrofits are basic in nature and do not require a design; IE; Barrier Free solutions; we would provide a scope and associated cost proposal, start date and target completion dates.
      • Cost: No Charge
    2. If the outcome of this home assessment is to consider a complete re-design, augment current home features, look for a better home to renovate, or look at a custom home design; this begins with a design retainer. Cost of this service begins with a design & consultation retainer of a minimum 10 hours at $135/hr, but is obviously subject to the complexity and whether this is a relocate or a custom build project. Architectural costs would be provided once a consultation and understanding of complexity and project direction was clearly understood.
      • Cost: Design & Consultation retainer; 10 hour minimum at: $135/hr.
    3. Our process for many years has been to bring all partners that contributed to the final outcome with what we call a Turnover Celebration. If the client is willing; we invite all stake holders in for a celebratory event as your client officially moves into their newly modified home.
c: No Settlement
  1. In the unfortunate circumstance where your client was at fault, or legal action was not as successful as hoped, or they did not carry correct or adequate insurance we still welcome that client for a few reasons. Those reasons and solutions include:
    • We will provide an initial home assessment at NO Charge.
    • We will collaborate with family members to see if collaborative financing can be achieved in the required spaces via a variety of ways:
      1. Financial planner consultation to see if funds can be raised through family or friends, downsizing, relocating etc. The extent of the needed change would depend of course on severity of disability.
      2. Offer broker consultations for financing current home to release a HELOC.
      3. Offer broker consultations for re-financing current home to release a reverse mortgage.
      4. Provide consultation/resources for set up and management for either a GoFundMe page, or introductions to a philanthropic arm of their particular disability. IE: MS/MD/SCIA/CP/Rotary Clubs etc.
        1. See Funding Link www.MyLifetimeHome/FiveSteps.ca/ProAccess.ca
        2. : Send them to a page of all resources that could be used for all pages for legal/healthcare/homeowner segments.

NOTE: The retrofits made possible by exhausting all resources and consultation including any possible grant funding may be basic depending on funding outcome. But our goal is to work with your client to create retrofits that at minimum retain access to key areas of their home such as entry, kitchen, bath, and bedroom and allow them to live in their home with a semblance of dignity.

Our ideal model is to be in contact and consultation with your legal team, insurers, O/T’s and/or family Doctors well in advance of discharge from hospital or rehab to avoid a crisis management situation for your client. We also recognize that not all clients come from a discharge position; for some it may be a prognosis that will require long term planning for a progressive debilitation due to an MVA, malpractice or other condition. For the best possible quality of life for your client; home modifications may be needed either immediately or in the future. By working collaboratively; we can work alongside you and your client to bring about the best possible plan. Then develop dates for implementation depending on the amount and settlement timelines awarded to your client.

We also recognize that not all Five Steps listed at www.MyLifetimeHome/FiveSteps.ca/ProAccess.ca may be required by your client; however these Five Steps may bring some solutions that may not have been otherwise considered. Our mandate is to be both a resource provider, as well as to provide complete inception to move-in ready home modifications for any level of debilitation.

Simple 5-Step Process

MyLifetimeHome has a 5-step process from inception to move-in ready home modifications.

My Lifetime Home | I am an Insurer or Lawyer

Consultation & Assessment

My Lifetime Home | I am an Insurer or Lawyer


My Lifetime Home | I am an Insurer or Lawyer

Design & Accessible Selections

My Lifetime Home | I am an Insurer or Lawyer

Renovation, Modifications or Custom Build Process

My Lifetime Home | I am an Insurer or Lawyer

Move-in Celebration

Would you like to know more?

Go to our Services page or give us a call on 403-720-8789 to discuss your needs.

Professional Designations

MyLifetimeHome™ is a division of Pinnacle Group Renovations by Design Ltd. Our Designations include:

Bonded/Licensed/insured; Provincial license: # BL 102048

Qualified Adaptiv Home Specialist / Canadian Certified Aging in place Specialist